Raad Ahmed
November 30, 2021

💌 6 Things Thursday #30


Here's another microdose of things I enjoyed this week--written by me, Raad—CEO of Lawtrades.

1/ Thinking of you all 🖤

How has coronavirus altered your life?

I’m curious how many of us are sick or lost someone. Drop a comment and share your daily reality with our small tribe.

Queens, where I live is now being considered the the Ground Zero of this pandemic in America. Doctors at Elmhurst Hospital (where I was born) have described overfilled waiting rooms, patients waiting six hours to be seen, while others packed closely together on stretchers waiting 50 to 60 hours for a bed, and doctors desperately trying to get more ventilators.

As of this writing, COVID-19 has killed 3,768 Americans, more than those who died on 9/11. Movie theaters brought in $5,179 for the week of March 20-26, down 99.99% from $204,193,406 the same week a year ago. And entire industries like education, healthcare, courts, K12, and even the government are being forced to digitize overnight, after decades of resistance.

2/ A chrome extension I’m using 📺

Netflix Party

A free browser extension the lets you play and pause Netflix in sync with friends. There’s also a chat room on the right side of the screen.

3/ An audiobook I’m re-listening to 🌎

Black Swan

Black Swans are events believed to lie outside the realm of possibility, but they still happen anyway. We’re inclined to be narrow-minded about our beliefs of the world through scientific methods, philosophy, and complex mathematical models, but that doesn’t mean we’re good at making accurate predictions.

Our basic inability to understand and define randomness, cause us to miss out on the bigger picture, which often have profound consequences for the individual and even for societies on the whole—sounds familiar?

4/ A tool I found useful 🏥


A free online screening tool for those who think they may be experiencing symptoms of the virus. If appropriate, they’ll connect you with a medication provider for a free consultation.

5/ A reading meditation I’m practicing 🧘🏽‍♂️

Acceptance, forgiveness, and facing fear

6/ A quote I’m pondering 🌊

“A ship should not ride on a single anchor, nor life on a single hope.” – Epictetus

Stay inside, keep your distance, and wash your hands.

😷 Raad