Raad Ahmed
January 16, 2022

πŸ’Œ 6 things Sunday #54

Happy Sunday πŸ‘‹πŸΌ


Here's another microdose of interesting things I experienced this week--written by me, Raadβ€” writer at Spacecult (this) and CEO of Lawtrades (my day job).


1/ Some money I raised



I’m excited to spend the majority of it hiring world-class designers and engineers. Please spread the word to folks you think may be interested, or apply yourself :)


Learn more here: https://lawtrades.notion.site/Join-the-Lawtrades-team-cb27d7d6656045ae873dbc0a26dd52a5


If you’re curious, I used this deck deck to raise the $6 million.


2/ A podcast I listened to



3/ An essay I wrote


How To Overcome The Chicken-And-Egg Dilemma Of A Marketplace Startup


Lawtrades couldn’t have grown with a demand-agnostic mindset. All of our growth

happened because we pivoted, started with demand, paid attention to nuanced ways

of delighting our customers, and then focused on helping our supply-side lawyers

earn a predictable source of income.


4/ An article I read


Don’t Kill Time


Much of modern leisure is slothful. It’s spent in a state of passive, shoulders-

slumped consumption where we inhale processed foods that make us fat,

TV shows that numb instead of inspire, and advertisements that create

anxieties that only shopping can relieve. The lethargy of modern leisure says

that movement is tyranny, as if humans are batteries to be recharged by the

electricity of mindless entertainment. That desire to kill time stems from

deep-seated nihilism.


5/ A TikTok I posted


5 tips to improve your sleep without buying a new $5k mattress


6/A quote I’m pondering


At the root of most fear is what other people will think of us.

You can’t let fear rule. Because there has never been a person who did something that

mattered without pissing people off. There has never been a change that was not met

with doubts. There has never been a movement that was not mocked. There was never

a groundbreaking business that wasn’t loudly predicted to fail.


And there has never, ever been a time when the average opinion of faceless, unaccountable

strangers should be valued above our own considered judgment.


β€”Ryan Holiday, Courage is Calling


Be well,


Raad πŸ›Έ


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